- Brand NameBetachek
- Two colour test zoneLarge measurement range
- 24 month shelf life (even after opening the bottle)No meter required
- most accurate visual blood glucose test stripAffordable alternative to meter testing
BETACHEK Visual is a simple, quick and cost effective way to monitor blood glucose. With a two colour test zone and 26 colour result chart, readings are clear and accurate. BETACHEK Visual is the world�s number one visually read test strip sold in over 50 countries, setting the standard for ease of use, accuracy and precision. Features: � 60 second test � 5µl blood sample size � Up to 24 months shelf life, even after opening bottle � Large measurement range 18-990 mgdl (1-55 mmoll) � Two colour test zone improves reading accuracy � Small steps in the reading scale improves accuracy � Built in quality check to ensure unused tests are in good condition before use