We offer Accupoint Weigh Modules.(100kg 50, 000kg Stainless Steel, Welded) Compression The Accupoint Weigh Module epitomizes quality in weighing measurement devices. It is a perfect solution for vessel weighing in food processing plants, dairies, chemical, bottling plants etc, where the Accupoint Weigh Modules can be used on tanks, silos and many other weighing vessels. The Accupoint Weigh Module incorporates an unparalleled level of protection for load cells and maintains performance specifications, improves safety whilst reducing load cell damage and plant down-time. Each is a self contained weigh point with both uplift and side restraint built-in, the installation of which only requires bolting the Accupoint Weigh Module into place. Completely manufactured in stainless steel with special long life hardened contact points the units will give years of high precision weighing with reduced maintenance. Accupoint Weigh Modules are available in nine capacities from 100kg to 50, 000kg, giving typical weighing options of up to 200 tonnes in a standard four support vessel. The Accupoint Weigh Module incorporates a high precision stainless steel IP68 protected mini disk load cell.