We are offering High Quality 7micron Graphite Powder. Global Graphene Technologies Supplies the best graphite powder on the globe. 99%+ C carbon content means that this powder is longer lasting, more heat resistant and contains a more positively charged electron. Price per kilogram above relates to a purchase of a minimum of 1 metric ton. Please contact us today for a no obligation quote.
Natural Highly OrderedOriented Pyrolytic Graphite has very specific uses such as small plates being used in Atomic Force Microscopes, HOPG is also used in the creation of replacement bones and heart valves due to its organic nature it is the only material that the Department of Health in the US permit for particular bone replacements such as the knuckles in the hand as the human body is able to grown around the HOPG material and accept it. www.wholesalegrapite.comsales@globalgraphenetechnologies.com