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Organic Vegetables
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Sirius coffee international is an australian owned and operated company established in 2011. Operating out of melbourne, victoria, sirius coffee international is 100 per cent owned by aberl family.
managing director, roman david aberl has established a strong national and international presence exporting a range of coffee machines, coffee grinders, green beans, coffee accessories and coffee capsules to our client base.
History will note that in 2011, the name sirius was given to this business when the co-founder was looking up to the sky one night and pondered what the brightest star in the night sky is called.
Sirius (also called isis or sothis) is the name of the brightest star in the night sky. The sirius system is made up of two stars and the larger of the two is three times the mass of our sun and over ten times as bright, shining with a brilliant blue-white radiance.
Ancient egyptians believed that sirius had a tremendous effect upon life on our planet and we hope our coffee machines, coffee grinders, coffee beans, coffee accessories and coffee capsules will have the same effect on our customers.
Sirius coffee international is the authorised distributor of the expobar, fiamma, iberital and la marzocco coffee machines within australia and s/e asia. Sirius coffee international can supply a coffee machine catering for the home market all the way through to larger commercial configurations capable of producing thousands of cups of coffee in a day.
Sirius coffee international is also the authorised distributor of the macap, iberital, mazzer and compak coffee grinders within australia and s/e asia. Sirius coffee international can supply a coffee grinder catering for the home market all the way through to larger deli grinders capable of grinding tonnage of coffee beans.
Sirius coffee international is a manufacturer and supplier of nespresso compatible capsules. Having invested heavily in the manufacturing production capabilities, sirius coffee international can supply small to large batch runs of filled coffee capsules with your branding. In additional we can cater for on-selling / licensing to your company for our range of capsules throughout the world.
Sirius coffee international is an artisan coffee roaster. As serious or rather "sirius" lovers of coffee, we have developed a desire to make a big impact on the coffee market. Sirius coffee international pty ltd is a boutique coffee company. We insist on providing fresh, rich, aromatic coffee blends to meet the needs of any serious coffee drinker.
All varieties contain 100% arabica beans and are sourced from some of the best coffee bean plantations around the world. These plantations are sourced from africa, central america, south american and the middle east. We have faith and confidence in the coffee blends we offer. We know you will too.
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